Death in the Mountains

Play, 1988

Death in the Mountains is about hope and limitations. About the longing for a world of freedom – against the expectations directed toward the young woman who is the main character. Within this tension Laura finds herself. She is home to help her mother move, but the visit develops into a violent confrontation in which their two worlds play out against one another.
   The father is, from the beginning of the play, dead. He has been killed up in the mountains. In the realm of danger and freedom. But in Laura’s mind he still lives as a model of all the possibilities that exist beyond the four walls of the home. Far away from her mother and grandmother.
   Paul, Laura’s friend, becomes involved in the struggle which is connected with his relationship with Laura. Despite their declaration of love, an invisible separation is in progress.
   Laura cannot decide alone over her freedom because behind it lies a connection which is both a curse and an inevitable starting point.

Translated by Thomas E. Kennedy

Pia Tafdrup
is a poet, writer and a member of The Danish Academy.

Honours include:

The Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize 2006
The Soeren Gyldendal Award, 2005
The Nordic Council’s Literature Prize, 1999


© 2025 Pia Tafdrup